
Sunday, January 30, 2005

No Talents

So you know I recently wrote that I'm not funny... apparently most of you agreed and I am praying that Satan will let go of that strong hold he has on you. ;) jk. ApparentlyI can't handle the truth. So now not only am I not really funny (well only to Paula and Kyle and I love you both for that) but now I cant' sing. I was singing on the phone to one of my friends and she was like "Heather you know what's cute? You really can't sing" and I was like oh.. that's sad. And then I think of stacey coming into the bathroom while I was taking a shower and howling like a dog every time I started singing. And then I told my best friend how people have been telling me I can't sing and he was like "well heather i'm not going to lie it's true". But here's the deal, I'm pretty sure TradeMark wants me as back up this summer. And I saw phantom of the opera and I feel that whenever I sing along I sound just like them... and when people throw popcorn at me I feel that they are yelling "Encore"... not shut up like others insist.
This week was really great, the sun came out, I was able to wear my flip flops and sunglasses. Mmm. and what I was really excited about was this. When I call people (usually girls.. Kyle smith you being the acception) I ask them what they are wearing. I started doing it to my mom and calling her at work. Today she called me and said "What are you wearing".I got a good laugh out of that. anyways... that's all for now.
Kyle Smith, you like it when I sing to you huh? With our with out your pope!!! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Amazing weekend

So I just feel that I had the most amazing weekend ever. I didn't go anywhere, I studied for the most part, and I was actually dealing with major drama with my best friend. Why was it so great you might ask? 1. I re-read Redeeming Love (the best book ever written besides the Bible).
2. God and I had these amazing quiet times. 3. He taught me so much! My friend and I got in this huge argument, it was awful, I cried, I got mad, I murdered him in my heart. BUT God totally used it for His glory. I found this quote that just kind of rocked my world. It says'
"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." at first I was like oh that's deep, that was nice. And then I realized holy crap that's me. I get overwhelmed and stressed and just give up b/c I can't do things on my own and God is like Heather I'm right here! I try so hard to find my self worth in other people and that makes me incredibally unstable b/c people will fail, people are fickle, people don't always have the answers. So now I am trying to find my worth in God. I asked my pastor on sunday how does a Christian find their worth in God daily? The answer being obviouse that we surround ourselves with people that will encourage us in our walks, and by being in the word daily. I haven't been this excited about God in a long time. AND PONDI PINES FRIENDS I was finally able to remove my chain that I got on the first day of camp. I finally grasped that God can deal with my sin, and by holding onto them I am just hurting myself.
anyways, I'm just excited right now. But if any of you have any vs. that you can share with me that talk about our worth with God and can share them with me I would LOVE IT!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Not funny

So yesterday I was driving and I came to this realization... I'm not funny anymore. Have you ever gone through spurts and you're like dang it... I'm just not clever? That was me. So I called up my friend to leave a voice mail and try to throw in something funny, and I was like ya so... uh...right... I got nothing. It's awful.
Yesterday was my first day for my creative writing class and my teacher was incredibally dry and dull. So I looked at her, put Will Ferell's head on her's and imagined him saying "I like scotch, scotch scotch, scotch." And suddenly class became that much more interesting.
All my classes I'm excited about but are going to be as hard as all get out!! I'm only taking 3, I have Spanish, Sign Language, and Creative writing. In my sign language class we can't talk at all! For 2 hours I can't say 1 word. Ugh... that's just illegal. I start convolsing after 20 minutes of silence.
Kyle smith I need you to tell me a joke that I can laugh about. And Dad I don't even want to hear that you are the funniest guy at Pondi Pines... I might have lost my humor but I'm still funnier... .right? :)

Friday, January 14, 2005

Nothing to write

I really don't have much to say at this point but Stacey and Kyle are just yelling at me to write something new. So I guess I'll just tell you how much of a idiot I really am. (Incase you didn't figure it out) So I was at Stacey's house watching Moth Man Prophecies and I was so scared watching it. SO SCARED. I kept hitting stacey when something would happen. Well at one point I got so scared in the movie that I hit her leg apparently lost control over my arm and punched myself right in the nose. I was like stacey I think I just broke my nose! I think it's bleeding. and she just kept saying SHUT UP HEATHER. It's still a little soar :( But yes I'm an idiot. I get scared and punch my nose.
Hmmm, Jeff and I went apartment shopping and we met a lot of fun crazy, creepy people. We met a guy named George who was like mid 40's, looked like a George Castanza from Seinfeld, had a piece of tape on the soap that said "Hand soap". He creeped Jeff and I out. Then my favorite was Pedro. We met pedro at his apt, and Jeff and I both made comments about how nicely it was kept. Pedro was a really nice guy and dressed really well. Then he asked if Jeff and I were together and we said no. And he asked Jeff if he had a boyfriend or a g/f. That threw me off a little but not really. Then out of no where Pedro say's "I'm gay". I was like WOW!!! DID NOT SEE THAT COMING FRIEND! WOW. I was like I understand your people b/c I own 3 seasons of Will and Grace and I always wanted a gay best friend.
So really that's what's been going on, nothing too exciting cest la vie. ( I speak french now... ooo la la).