
Sunday, October 09, 2005

"23?! You ARE old"

Thats the comment I recieved from my friend on my birthday. It's fine... I'm 23, single, no idea what God has planned for me. :) But I had a fun birthday. I hung out with my sister, and a Joshua friend, and my mom. And then some of my friends came over around midnight and we all had fun. But I got a digital camera and a printer! I'm so excited about it! And the Kelly Clarkson C.D.... I'm not ashamed to say that I LOVE it!
So can I tell you that I am realizing how much God has been molding me and it's amazing. Even with little things. I'm learning to stand up for myself which might seem minor to some of you, but to me its HUGE. I am learning to not believe everything a friend tells me. When my character is being attacked (which I'll be honest has been happening a lot lately), I am learning that I am confidant with who I am in Christ. So it's been an amazing, and incredibally hard journey.
My 8th grade girls are so fun. I just love them, they exhaust me, and after bible studies I feel hung over with exhaustion. We call it a "dry hang over" because no alcohol is being consumed. They just have SO much energy and so much to say its amazing!
Anyways I'm excited with what God is doing right now as hard as its been. Its just amazing how He works!