
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Amazing weekend

So I just feel that I had the most amazing weekend ever. I didn't go anywhere, I studied for the most part, and I was actually dealing with major drama with my best friend. Why was it so great you might ask? 1. I re-read Redeeming Love (the best book ever written besides the Bible).
2. God and I had these amazing quiet times. 3. He taught me so much! My friend and I got in this huge argument, it was awful, I cried, I got mad, I murdered him in my heart. BUT God totally used it for His glory. I found this quote that just kind of rocked my world. It says'
"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." at first I was like oh that's deep, that was nice. And then I realized holy crap that's me. I get overwhelmed and stressed and just give up b/c I can't do things on my own and God is like Heather I'm right here! I try so hard to find my self worth in other people and that makes me incredibally unstable b/c people will fail, people are fickle, people don't always have the answers. So now I am trying to find my worth in God. I asked my pastor on sunday how does a Christian find their worth in God daily? The answer being obviouse that we surround ourselves with people that will encourage us in our walks, and by being in the word daily. I haven't been this excited about God in a long time. AND PONDI PINES FRIENDS I was finally able to remove my chain that I got on the first day of camp. I finally grasped that God can deal with my sin, and by holding onto them I am just hurting myself.
anyways, I'm just excited right now. But if any of you have any vs. that you can share with me that talk about our worth with God and can share them with me I would LOVE IT!


  • At 12:19 AM, Blogger Danae said…

    for the record, i can't remember a time when you weren't funny. i crack up every time i read your blog. really. and i was thrilled to hear you had the most amamzing weekend ever! i'm thankful that you could finally cut off your chain... and i'll be looking for some verses for ya! love ya, girl...

  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger KS said…

    heather thats a little gross.. I bet your wrist is green.. but good thing you cut it off then... Before your whole body turned green and we all would call you the jolly green marshmellow haha you moldy marshmellow! hahaha.. Heather I still think you are funny! bye best friend!


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