
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oprah and I are tight

So on valentines day my friend got me a 1 year subscription to the Oprah Magazine.. aka a one year subscription to free therapy! I am so excited! Oprah is amazing... and she sent me a picture of herself with a quote... one day I'm going to be just like her!!
So things here are going well, my jr. high girls are keeping me busy but I love it. We went to this place called "Pump it up" with all the jr. highers. Its this inflatable place that has a basketball inflatabe thing... course inflatable ordeal, boxing, slide, just lots of FUN stuff! So one of the guy leaders recently sprained his ankels and is there for on crutches. I asked him if I could borrow them because I feel like crutches are just so fun sometimes! First off let me say that they were meant for a guy that is 6'4.... i'm 5'3. I am trying to run around with them and then I try to lift myself off the ground and flip forward. I didn't quite make it, my body twitched the crutches flew out from under me and I landed on my face. I quickly got up, slightly embarassed, thinking no one saw me... no one that is except for all my girls and half of our staff. I'm an idiot. I'm the biggest clutz ever!
I started laughing in my sleep again at night, and having conversations. I guess my roommate is getting a little creeped out by me laughing. She said it's kind of an evil laugh, and she goes to sleep in the living room. What are ya gonna do ;) :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

jr. highers

So last weekend was our jr. high retreat... and let me tell you when I have kids they are being sent to bording school at age 13-20. It was such a hard weekend, but let me tell you a few highlights. We went up to the snow which was fun. My youth pastor was going down a hill with his intertube and there was a few of us on this snow mound watching. He's coming down fast and all of the sudden we realize he's going to hit us. By the time we stood up this guy behind me PUSHES me infront of my youth pastor, he hits me I fly and slide on the snow/ice. I got pretty scraped up. Then my girls think it would be funny to throw snowballs in my face while they are maybe a foot away from me... it wasn't as funny as they might have thought let me tell you. I told them that I felt as though they had ripped the skin off of my face and all you saw was blood and veins... one of my preciouse girls said "Well that would be better than what we normally see". Let me tell you at that point I had been knocked over by my youth pastor, had all 13 of my girls tackel me and hit me in the snow (at the same time) even after I screamed " I have bad ovaries!!!!" So I looked at the girl who made the comment and said "Thats it". I dropped my backpack and just said bring it on. Keep in mind I'm totally challenging a 13 year old girl... but in all fairness she was taller than me. I took her down in less than 5 seconds with all the adrenaline that had been building over the weeekend. I guess I was sitting on her just hitting her... and not with snow. Apparenly I can only be pushed so far.
I was one of the drivers on the retreat and whenever we were driving I always had music on and I would always sing along... and my girls would say "Heather... we don't actually like it when you sing". Really... teenagers are the apple of my eye. I'm trying to recover from that weekend but so far things are getting busier before getting better.
Oh and feel free to throw out the "I have bad ovaries" card... because kids get so freaked out about it they immediatly back off. Its amazing :)