
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

oh Crap!!!

So must of you know that I'm a nanny and so I am with children a good majority of my day. Which I love... but let me just share the reasons why I'm NOT looking forward to having kids.
Last week, I was babysitting from 8-5 for a 8 month old and a 4 year old. I went to change the baby's diaper and as I do that she EXPLODED out of her diaper so theres crap literally on my hand. I was like AWESOME! So I pick her up to clean her off.. not noticing she's pooping on the floor.. I step in the poop and smear it in the carpet. I get her all cleaned up and put her down to play. As I am on my hands and knees cleaning this poop I stick my hand in a pile that she left on the floor for me. I gagging while cleaning it up.
Okay... a little more recent ordeal. Last night I babysat for 3 kids, ages from 4 years old to 11 years old. 2 boys (both with some mental imbalancment). Okay.. the toilit over flows... and the kids are going nuts. I was like okay, it's alright we just need a few towels everything is fine. There was poop floating around. I was like Lord are You laughing right now? So I clean it up but there was no plunger so I shut the door and tell each kid to not use the bathroom. While I wasn't looking the oldest goes in and pees in the overly full toilit. So I had to clean it up again. This is all after the parents say to me "We unlocked the back door because sometimes the kids like to lock the babysitters outside."
I love babies, I love children, and i am actually babysitting for a full weekend while the parents go to vegas BUT they are so DISGUSTING!!!


  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    All I have to say is wow Heather. Really.

  • At 4:54 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    I was just thinking about Ryan Oliver and the way he likes to eat burritos. Don't ask me why. He likes to take a bite and then eat like 3 chips. Um, yum nasty mountain mexican food.

  • At 2:18 AM, Blogger Brittany said…

    yeah I would say cleaning up human fesces is a pretty strong argument as to why you are not looking forward to having kids, but just think about all the crap your mom had to clean up.

  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    can you update please? i'm tired of hearing about crap.


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