
Monday, February 14, 2005

Oh the weekend

This weekend I went up with Stacey to Silver Spur, we were the "groupies" for the winter band which was Jeff, Chuckles, John, and Jarrod. We had a lot of solitude time, which was sometimes frustrating because Stacey and I both went up there hoping to hang out with some kids, but they already had their councelors and everything. BUT God still worked in each of us a lot this weekend. Here's some highlights for you kids :)
* I was laughing and this lady told me she loved my laugh... Stacey told me she was deaf... DANG it!
* We got woken up early by the band... Jarrod singing Chang Chang Chang, John playing the guiatrre, and Chuckles quoting scripture at us
*Stacey and I checked out Antique shops together for a couple hours and that was fun.
*We put bed pans on Chuckles and Jarrods bed filled w ith water and turned their heater up to 90 in each room. (Jarrod drank out of his bed pan... ugh)
* The speaker (Eric Simpson) did a great job, and the worship was really quality.
*God taught me a lot this weekend
*I almost hit a deer driving stacey's car at 6:30 in the morning... stupid deer
*I was trying to have my quiet time and Chuckles runs in half naked, jumps on the bed and starts dancing crazily. It made me laugh so hard.
It was a good weekend, I had fun with Stacey and the boys, and I had some really good theology discussions. It was so good to be in a camp setting again.


  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    you and chuckles are getting married? wow heather. answer your phone boo.

  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger ashdown said…

    i got you girl....and chuckles...aye!! memories i dont want to relive!! sounds like you guys had a great time! i'm stoked for you.


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