
Monday, February 07, 2005

Love month... whatever

I do love people but it's been a really hard few weeks b/c everywhere I turn there's another couple. This isn't to say that I am not happy for the couples in my life I'm just saying it gets hard at times. This week was really hard b/c I felt really distant from people and I kept thinking "I just need a friend right now". BUT this is God's way of teaching me to find my comfort in Him and not other people.
So let me tell you all about last night. I am reading through 1st samuel right now and if you haven't read it... holy nights its crazy!!! Saul scares the snot out of me. Anyways my roommate and I were having a theological discussion till almost 1:00am and then we decide to call it a night. I get ready for bed and turn off my light, but I keep the shades open so that some light comes in the room.As I'm walking to my bed I look out the window and see something in the window across from me. I dive into my bed, hitting my knee on the wall, and peer over the window seal. For sure there's something in their window. And I have seen the people who live there looking into my room, just staring. So I crawl army style out of my room, b/c I didn't want anyone to see me. I go into my roommates room freaking out and make them come look. They saw it too and they were like Heather... no more scary movies for you. Eventually they left and I crawled into bed, and I kept looking to see if it was still there.
I woke up at 6:45 this morning and looked at the window... and friends don't worry it was just a vase with a huge fake flower in it. But it did look like a person honest!! I have a huge bruise on my knee from the wall, but I could definitly make it in the marines, I'm sneaky :)
Kyle I'll call you if there's anymore updates on monday or wednesday ;) you know what that means you stud!! :)


  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    are you and kyle getting married?

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger Danae said…

    heather and kyle are engaged?? and heather is with child???

  • At 8:27 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

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  • At 8:27 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

    that's what I heard...

    "Important Calls" on Monday and when I'm asleep. Actually, I just forgot my phone was on important calls but I'm pretty sure I was reading my Bible like a good Christian girl.

  • At 8:27 PM, Blogger Alyzzle said…

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