
Sunday, December 12, 2004

Urination Station

So last year as a prank my old roommate and his friend filled up all these dixie cups and put them all over my truck. But inside of some of the cups they had little gold fish. There were about 50 of them, now, there's 4. Sad days huh? Anyways my roommate and I are apparently in charge of them this year so we had agreed to put them in our room. I was feeling a little sick after church (maybe it was God's convictions or something) and so I took a nap. I wake up an hour later and I was like Holy Mother of nights I have to urinate like there's no tomorrow. My roommates had brought up the fish tank so the filter is a constant water flow. I told my roommate that I'm going to need a bed pan because that things going to make me urinate all the time.
Oh I have to say sorry to anyone that I have accidentally called the past few weeks. I know Dad said I called him for like 40 seconds or whatever (Sorry Aaron) and I called a few others, sometimes my keys don't lock. So it's been fun when people call me and were like I heard that you are in love with Kyle Smith... oh dang it Kyle... I hope you knew. Anyways I had my first final tomorrow and I'm babysitting a 5 month old baby till 11:00. I'm excited. anyways I hope you all are doing well. I swear I'll have more of an interesting story but really I just wanted to say hi to all of you lovely people!


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